Wednesday, May 9, 2012

They Might Be Giants - Lincoln

After listening to Lincoln, there wass absolutely no way I could give it anything but a perfect score. It's consistently delightful and constantly morphing into other genres in ways that just put a smile on my face. Some songs sound like your more typical (but still amazing) alternative rock while others sound like almost accordion-laced sea shanties. The shorter song structures make the album have fly by at break-neck speed whilst keeping it fresh and highly entertaining.

I went all out on this album. I started strong and never slowed. This album is so far the album to beat.

Calories: 381.3
Distance: 3.00mi

I just want to address the reason why I seem to have been giving a lot of albums perfect scores. I usually research an album based on genre, length, critical acclaim, previous knowledge of artist, and sometimes will listen to a 30 second or less sample of one song before I decide to go for it. As to why I do critical acclaim as a parameter is because usually if an album is lauded by critics, I will want to listen to it. This also translates over to this blog. That is why I believe I hit so many albums which are in my eyes perfect workout albums.

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